Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What is Passive-Aggressive Behavior?

Known clinically as the Negativistic Personality Disorder, here are the "symptoms" of passive-aggressive behavior (from Appendix B of the DSM IV)
  • Passive Resistance (Procrastination, Inefficiency) to Fulfilling Occupational Tasks
  • Complaints of Being Misunderstood, Unappreciated, Victimized
  • Sullenness, Irritability, and Argumentativeness in Response to Expectations
  • Angry and Pessimistic Attitudes Toward a Variety of Events
  • Unreasonable Criticism and Scorn Toward Those in Authority
  • Envy and Resentment Toward Those who are More Fortunate
  • Inclined to Whine and Grumble about Being “Jinxed”
  • Alternating Behavior Between Hostile Assertion of Personal Autonomy and Dependent Contrition
I dare you to watch one of these characters in action. Or, rather, in-action.

As you watch, keep in mind that I can't be held responsible for any damage or injury you might cause to surrounding furniture or pets.

We know these people. We work with them. We are them.

Passive-aggressive behavior is everywhere, a fact of life. Nothing can be done about it, right?



Passive-aggressive behavior is a choice. As with any socially maladaptive "bad" behavior, passive-aggressive habits can be identified and "broken," in others and in ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I work with too many people like the man in this video clip. They should all serve together on a committee to determine which of them should be fired.
